“Touch deprivation is a reality in American culture as a whole…”

“It’s not just babies needing to be touched in caring ways or the sick. It’s not just doctors and nurses needing to extend it. It’s all of us, needing connection, needing to receive it, needing to give it, with genuine happiness at stake.”

– Reverend Anthony David

Coaching Sessions

  • Are you feeling touch-starved, and don’t know how to meet that need?
  • Are you frustrated with trying to get tender touch through dating?
  • Do you yearn to be closer and more connected to your friends?
  • Would you like to enjoy better emotional, mental, and physical health?

Platonic touch coaching can give you the tools you need to get the touch you long for in your life.

The problem:

In a world that is increasingly complicated and uncertain, our bodies, minds and hearts need the closeness of trusted humans to survive. Nurturing human touch is a simple way to emotionally regulate and refresh ourselves, and turn toward each other instead of putting up walls.

Nearly half of Americans are single. Our culture of touch = sex cuts many of us off from nurturing human touch when we need comfort, relaxation, respite or soothing. Throw in shame and fear of rejection, and we have a whole lot of people who are touch-starved, yet unable to reach out for physical connection.

Touch is simple, but not easy. It’s a potential landmine of boundaries, consent, misunderstandings and awkwardness. It’s no wonder that many of us are confused about the meaning of this essential human need, and choose to suffer alone

The solution:

More of us are turning toward our friends to create a chosen family, and yet touch remains taboo within friendships. Hello and goodbye hugs are wonderful, but they are rarely enough to create deep feelings of peace and safety. Massage and mani/pedis fill in some of the gaps, yet those modalities are expensive and feel transactional instead of tender. What if there was a different way to meet those needs?

I would love to demystify the world of platonic touch for you! Through a short-term coaching process, we can assess your personal needs and desires and find out what barriers you have to getting more touch in your life. I will guide you through taking stock of the resources you already have, and we can practice asking for what you need. My goal is to get you more touch in your life, creating joy and connection in humanity’s blind spot.

Contact me for a free consultation to see if we are a good fit for working together